Thursday, January 10, 2008

Marriage Myths According to Modern-Day Psychologists

I saw this article called "'Don’t Go to Bed Angry’ and Other Marriage Myths" on the MSN homepage today. I found it quite sad really. You tell me, what do you think? If I followed their advice, I know I would be unhappy. Maybe some people are satisfied with that kind of relationship, but marriage is supposed to be a demonstration of Christ and the Church (us). It's the greatest relationship we will every have on this earth and it is meant to be an example of Christ's love to us. That means you should tell your spouse everything, keeping things from them does nothing for oneness. You shouldn't go to bed angry, don't let the sun go down on your anger. And your spouse most certainly should be your closest friend and confidant.

I know I have no experience in a marriage relationship, so I'm not calling myself an expert, but I see so many marriages that can be so much more. Divorce is not the only enemy of marriages. Lifeless, unproductive marriages that have ceased to grow are just as big a threat to the union. God doesn't call us to settle with an okay relationship, He wants it to be an incredible display of His power, glory, and love. In fact, that's why He made marriage. He made marriage, not for us, but His glory.

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