Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yes, Lord

I can't remember where I originally got this, but I have had it posted on my bulletin board for years. It's funny how when you see something so often, you eventually don't pay very much attention to it anymore. But I saw it today and reread it. It was absolutely a wonderful reminder. I, for one, am going to try to say "Yes, Lord" a whole lot more often than "No, Lord, I have a better idea," or, "No, Lord, really you can't be serious." I encourage you to do the same. No matter what the circumstances, I am so glad that God never, ever, ever changes.
Yes, Lord, I will trust in You even in the dark.
Yes, Lord, I will believe Your Word even when I feel confused.
Yes, Lord, I will obey what I know You are asking me to do.
Yes, Lord, I will continue to commit my every step to You.
Yes, Lord, I will continue to grow in spiritual understanding.

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