Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Tired...

I am so exhausted. I just got home a few minutes ago after being gone since 6 this morning. After my classes were over at around 3, I went to babysit. May I just say this, anyone who thinks a woman can do it all, be at work or school all day then come home to a tired, cranky 2 year old, is absolutely out of their mind. The 2 year old was not mine, no, but having to listen to a temper tantrum for over an hour (with the 4 year old joining in just because) is enough to wear me completely out and almost drive me to...well, I really don't know what. I thought I was tired before I got there!

It just made me wonder though why some women attempt to raise children, care for a home, be a wife, and have a career at the same time (by choice!). To me, it seems to be a ridiculous notion, but unfortunately one that too many women have bought without question. They have to compete and chase after what the world says is most important...Recognition, money, power, etc. They put their energy, strength, and focus into empty pursuits and give the kids the left overs at the end of a long day. That's really sad. Our culture's concept of what is important is just a LITTLE messed up.

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